Mood swings?

Apr 27, 2021
mood swings, mood booster, how to boost your mood

Mood swings are a prominent symptom of PMS. 

Heck, I personally struggled with those for many years, my partner and my flatmate (male) used to call it “shark week” and asked me if I would consider getting an Airbnb a few days prior to my period. #supportive

Up to 90% of women struggle with PMS, so it’s fair to say I was not alone, and nor are you!

So why do mood swings occur? 

For that, let’s look at four phases of your cycle and see what happens on a hormonal level:

Menstrual phase

The first day of your period marks the start of this phase. During this time both progesterone and estrogen are at an all-time low. You will feel more fatigued, feel like turning inward, eager to spend time in your own company and no one else.

Follicular phase

During this time your estrogen slowly begins to rise slowly in preparation for ovulation. You will feel like “Dora the Explorer”, you will be excited to try new things, incorporate new projects and activities, plan out your life, energy is rising and so is your mood.

Ovulatory phase

During this time your estrogen peaks as the egg is released from its follicle making its journey down the Fallopian tube. This is your time to shine, princess!! Your energy is at an all-time high, you are happy, communicative, you loathe building connections with others, and are excited about life. From an evolutionary standpoint, this is the time when you can get pregnant so your sex drive will be at an all-time high, this is the time to get your flirt on (remember that scene of a dancing bird trying to attract a mate from “Planet Earth” narrated by Sir David Attenborough? That bird is YOU now :) ) 

Luteal phase

At the beginning of this phase, your body will begin prepping for ovulation with the rise of progesterone which is known as a “calming” hormone. It will naturally make you feel sleepier and lethargic. This is also when your PMS becomes very prominent. Hey, Mood swings, bloating, and fatigue? In the first half of the cycle, you will still feel a little energetic, but in the second half of the cycle, you will want to begin to whine down and feel more tired.

Here’s the good news - PMS is common yet it’s not normal, it is a sign of hormonal imbalance. By living in tune with your cycle, nurturing, and moving it based on what each phase requires will reduce those symptoms and stabilize your mood.

Balancing your hormones is all about addressing the root cause of the issue, if you're ready to reconnect with your menstrual cycle and balance your hormones naturally so you can feel healthy, centred and balanced - schedule a free health consultation with me here.

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